Unraveling the Mysteries of Public Speaking

Unraveling the Mysteries of Public Speaking

Unlock Your Another Version and Be Self Confident.


3 min read


Hello, Friends. I hope you are all doing well in your lives. Today, I'm going to offer some of my thoughts about public speaking. The capacity to transmit ideas confidently and captivatingly is a treasure in today's environment. Public speaking, which is frequently seen as an important soft skill, holds the key to realising your full potential. Here, you will learn about the importance of public speaking in our lives, myths about public speaking, and the process of becoming a public speaker. Lastly, you will learn about a compelling story of a fantastic person who went from being shy to being an exceptional public speaker.

Importance of Public speaking

Whether you're a natural extrovert or a shy introvert, learning public speaking goes beyond simply addressing a crowd. It's about discovering your voice, shaping your thoughts, and connecting with people. Consider standing in front of an audience, your words resonating with strength and purpose. This ability isn't limited to stages or podiums. Every instance of good communication, from boardrooms to dinner discussions, impacts your trajectory. It breaks the cycle of self-doubt and transforms you into a confident communicator. Accept public speaking as an investment in yourself. The path may appear difficult, yet each step you take increases your self-assurance and personal progress.

So, dare to step into the spotlight. Let public speaking guide you toward a future where your words hold the power to impact, influence, and inspire.

What do we believe?

We're trying to avoid being noticed. But we are unaware that no one is paying attention to us. Everyone they know is quiet and introverted. Nobody tries to embarrass himself in front of an audience, which is the largest lie we think to be true. Some people are brave enough to conquer their fear and become self-confident. Public speaking is not intended to make somebody appear great or foolish; it is simply a means for knowledge sharing. Public speaking allows you to share your views, inspire change, and leave a lasting impression on people's hearts and minds.

Myths about Public Speaking

People believed that public presenters were the most knowledgeable. This is merely a myth. Nobody is flawless; we all learn from our mistakes and practises. A public speaker is someone who shares their knowledge with us. It can be about anything, such as motivation, academics, personal development, or finance. We should endeavour to put their knowledge to good use. Being a public speaker also offers us a lot of confidence because it allows us to check our comprehension with a variety of feedback and mindsets.

Benefits of Public Speaking

The most significant advantage of Public Speaking is networking. It will assist us in establishing a network of peers who share our values. As we all know, it is really difficult to find someone who can add valuable insights to our knowledge. It becomes so easy through Public Speaking. People learn about our perspectives and ideas on a variety of topics, as well as our personal lives. It inspires others to connect with us without hesitation. And nowadays, there are many mediums for public speaking, such as if you are enrolled in a profession where you may attend events, do meetups, and so on.

Real Life Example

Recently, I came to know about a person who is so shy and introverted from his childhood. But recently, he gave an amazing speech at an event which is an outstanding experience for him. He is none other than Francesco Ciulla DevRel of dailydotdev and a great developer.

More examples also exist like Eleftheria Batsou , Kunal Kushwaha and many more. If you know someone who also burst this loop, do share in the comments. I love to know more stories.

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